
My journey thus far has lead me to several grand truths, but at the top of the list is that love should rule everything else. It should influence out beliefs, it should influence how we think; it should influence how we act. Love and faith are tied closely together because a Christian faith is centered around the expression of God’s love for His children and what He’s done to redeem us.

Light Your World

I love the use of light as an analogy – I mean LOVE it! As a physicist, light is one of the most fascinating elements of our world. But never fear, I’ll keep it light (pun intended)…this time. I was...

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Live Well

I was asked by a friend who’s life was falling apart why he should live according to God’s Word. After all, good behavior had gotten him nowhere; in fact, he considered himself worse off because of...

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The Problem with Truth

How we perceive the world around us is based on our beliefs and if you’ve read anything by Stephen Covey, you know that beliefs drive behavior that produce results that either reinforce or challenge beliefs.

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Let us love…Really

I desire a fundamental and wholesale change in approach to how we care for the needy. When we ask the question, “How are you caring for the needy?”, it is being interpreted by most people to be,...

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Glass Half Full

I tend to look at things with more positivity than not – I’ve always been that way. For some reason, I generally believe things will (eventually) work out. But I know that I am not in the mainstream...

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Into the Fire

Disclaimer: This post has been resurrected and was written many years ago. I had a chance to speak some new truth into my son the other night. About an hour after he went to bed, he woke up crying...

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Father’s Day…It’s Complicated

Every year on Father’s Day, there’s a mixed bag of emotions running through me. On the one hand, I am the dad to three amazing kids – a role I have longed for since I was their age. One I also take very seriously, which speaks to the other hand.

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Love Much

Once upon a time, my church, Fellowship Bible Church | Little Rock, had a sermon series called “Love Much, Live Well and Light the World” – a three-parter that was magnificent. I wanted to spend...

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