
As a technologist who doesn’t fit into an HR box, I’ve done a lot of different jobs and during my time in the workforce as well as a business owner, I’ve learned a ton about business. I’ve spent time at large companies, small companies, churches and worked with every sort of business under the sun. Look for posts on leadership, organizational optimization, culture, talent management, business processes and who knows what else.

Game Changers Should be Free

I saw an ad the other day promoting a video series that touted to be THE way to bring the Christian church back to what God intended. It was a beautiful video – very emotionally engaging and fired...

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Throwing Dice in the Dark

The title for this post actually came to me in a dream and I was describing to someone in a heated debate how their version of organizational effectiveness was like throwing dice in the dark:...

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Social Business Theory

Disclaimer: This post has been resurrected and was written many years ago. This has probably been proven out to be true or dribble by this point, but I like reading over my musings about business...

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Confidence by Design

Over time, I have come to gain an in-depth understanding of how I’m wired. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t know ALL there is as I still struggle to grasp my reactions to certain stimuli. What...

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Men – Who has your Back?

Disclaimer: This post has been resurrected and was written many years ago. Much of this post is still true for me, so the invitation to ask me about it remains. God has been stirring in my heart...

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Disclaimer: This post has been resurrected and was written many years ago. I am confident that the content remains very relevant. I know it’s been a while since my last post. To be quite honest,...

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Logo Refinement Process

From time to time it becomes necessary to update the look and feel of your corporate logo. I’ve seen everything from complete redesign to slight color changes; however, the desired outcome is always...

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